The Brownlee Family had a wonderful time supporting Aurora, Colorado City Hall Council Member Steve Sundberg and his establishment Legends for dinner on February 19th. In addition, proceeds from their dinner supported the Aurora Chamber of Commerce Leadership Aurora Class.
Connecting With Greater Aurora's Elected Officials
On February 15th, Dr. Mordecai attended the CSU Global sponsored mixer in downtown Denver, Colorado. While there, Dr. Mordecai took a photo with Paul Rosenthal, Regional Transportation District Board Member (middle) and John Wolfkill from the CCA Foundation!
Advancing the Dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Yesterday, Dr. Mordecai represented the Community College of Aurora at the MLK Jr. Library where nearly 2,000 meals were distributed. Thank you to the NAACP Aurora Colorado Branch, C. Omar Montgomery, and Bro. Jeff Fard for their coordination and leadership.
Honoring Those Who Serve Our Community
Most heartfelt gratitude for all those who serve our community as first responders. Special thank you to Chief Vanessa Wilson of the Aurora Police Department for her works in the City of Aurora (and beyond).
Celebrating Kwanzaa Throughout Aurora
Our family has been honored to represent the Community College of Aurora around the Aurora community in celebration of Kwanzaa. Thank you to Brother Jeff's Cultural Center & Cafe and NAACP Aurora Colorado Branch for being so welcoming to our family.
Dr. Mordecai Visits to Community College of Denver
Recently, Dr. Mordecai visited with Dr. Marie DeSanctis, president of the Community College of Denver and received a tour of the Auraria Campus!
Dr. Mordecai Visits DAVA
Recently, Dr. Mordecai had the most amazing touring Downtown Aurora Visual Arts (DAVA)! The Community College of Aurora is grateful for its community partnership with this awesome youth-centered organization. Special thanks to Krista Robinson.
Dr. Mordecai Supports Aurora Chamber of Commerce Defense Council
Recently, represented the Community College of Aurora at the Aurora Chamber of Commerce Defense Council meeting. In addition, he signed holiday cards to our military service members that were mailed off for the holidays.
Dr. Mordecai Visits Arapahoe Community College
Recently, Dr. Mordecai had an amazing time touring the campus, discussing ideas, and sharing new student success opportunities with Dr. Stephanie Fujii - President of Arapahoe Community College
Dr. Mordecai Now Serves on the Arapahoe/Douglas Workforce Board
Dr. Mordecai is honored to represent the Community College of Aurora on the Arapahoe/Douglas (Counties) Workforce Development Board! Working together to empower and employ.
Supporting the Salvation Army and Rotary Club of Aurora
This past Saturday, Dr. Mordecai represented the Community College of Aurora and the Rotary Club of Aurora in support of the Salvation Army’s holiday fundraiser. Learn more by visiting
Quality Family Time at Ebert’s Terrace
Despite the hustle and bustle of the week, it is imperative to take opportunities for quality family time. Recently, the Brownlee Family tried a fairly new restaurant and you are encouraged to visit as well. Visit for more information.
Community College of Aurora Creates Mentorship Program with Montview Elementary
Community College of Aurora just kicked off its partnership with Montview Elementary. Together, both institutions have developed a monthly mentorship program where CCA will spend time encouraging the hearts and minds of future Aurora! Dr. Mordecai was the first speaker.
Dr. Mordecai Speaks at Community College of Aurora PTK Induction
Congratulations to all of our Community College of Aurora students inducted into the Alpha Pi Pi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa!
"Thank You" to Legends of Aurora and Newly-Elected Council Member, Steve Sundberg
Thank you to newly elected City of Aurora Council Member Steve Sundberg and his establishment, Legends of Aurora, for hosting our Community College of Aurora Foundation event this week.
Supporting the Aurora Museum Foundation
Recently, Dr. Mordecai had the pleasure of representing the Community College of Aurora at the Aurora Museum Foundation Annual Wreath Fundraiser. Thanks to Alexis Watts for the invitation!
Supporting First Generation Students Week
Thank you to all of our Community College of Aurora faculty, staff, and students who attended tonight’s “First Generation Panel” in support of First Gen Week!
Supporting Xcel Energy and the U.S. Military
Recently, Dr. Mordecai represented the Community College of Aurora at the PaYS Program and Xcel Energy Colorado Partnership event. Great to see Colorado Colorado Community College System Board Member, Terrance McWilliams in attendance!
Community College of Aurora Students Are Amazing!
Recently, Dr. Mordecai spent time with CCA students in their Cultural Anthropology 101 course. HUGE “thank you” to Professor Elizabeth Hirsh for the invitation and her service to the students of CCA.